Thursday, November 27, 2008


I hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving, whether you are feasting today or later in the weekend!

I set my alarm for 6:00 a.m. this morning to get up, do my exercises and then start preparing the turkey. Even though the turkey had been moved to the refrigerator Sunday evening, it still had to float in cold water for about an hour so I could get the giblet bag removed. The morning was spent watching the Macy's parade and cooking. Nurse J, Cable Guy, and BeyB came over and we all ate about 12:30.

Everything is all cleaned up now, dishes are washed, and I have been moving boxes of Christmas decorations out of the closet in the back room. Golfer is setting up the tree soon so I can start decorating tomorrow. The furry kids are quite excited by the boxes. (new things to get into!)

Bikini called this afternoon. They are all fine. They were on the way to the large family dinner at her in-laws' home. Brief has a large family and it's an annual gathering. They will be coming here to spend Christmas with us this year.

I have frequently thought about posting a message since the last one, but just didn't get to it. We are fine. I had an appointment with my orthopedic doctor. After looking at new x-rays, he thinks my foot is starting to heal okay and the bone is now growing around the screw. I go back in two months.

It's been cold here. There have been a few little flurries of snow, but not enough to stick. We spent last weekend raking leaves and cleaning up the yard. Golfer had to mow the grass again.

Other than that, I've just been busy with the usual stuff that needs doing at this time of the year.

If any of you are going shopping tomorrow, be careful! I will be staying at home enjoying the Christmas decorations. There are many happy memories in those boxes - antique ornaments, things from other countries and other places where we have lived, things that family members have made for us. I will post some pictures after I'm done and things are cleaned up.


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