Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Hey, all!

I can still do some painting. It's been a long time since I tackled something like painting a room. Strength, stamina and joint issues have kept me from trying. But those of you who know me personally ought to know that if I want to do something, I'll figure out a way to try. This is a personal family trait that my niece and I recently discussed. It's in our genes. My 99-year-old mother has it. My 79-year-old sister has it. And I'm pretty sure Nurse J and Bikini have inherited some of it! Some people over the years have called it extreme stubbornness. But hey! It's who we are!

Golfer and I discussed the project and decided I would do what I could and he would do the rest and we would get it done. I really like painting. There's something about a nice fresh clean wall. It's peaceful.

So this morning before he left for a round of golf on his day off Golfer moved some of the furniture for me. I've been taking my time and been very careful, working at my own pace. I had bought the highest quality Sherwin Williams latex paint - appropriately called "Retiring Blue" (very pale blue). It's the environmentally safe kind (so they say) and there is very little odor. And I am happy to say I have just cleaned up for the day and we now have about 1 1/3 walls drying, except for a strip about a foot wide all around the top of the wall. I did everything I could reach without using a ladder. I think it will be very pretty when it's done. And then I can work on getting the new drapes and bedding in place.

There was hard frost in some areas of Virginia last night. I didn't see any in our yard. The sun has been out and it warmed up enough that it's pretty nice out, although cool.

Please keep some good thoughts and prayers, if you are a believer, for several of our family members. It seems like health issues abound right now.

Stay safe and onward we go!

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