Hooray! After a couple days of unhappy weather - to include lots of rain, wind, thunder, tornado watches, warm temperatures and such - today it's Fall again. The sun has been out, it's twenty-five degrees cooler than yesterday, and moods are better! At least mine is!
This was the weekend for the Military Invitational golf tournament at Golden Horseshoe in Willliamsburg. Golfer and a friend were all ready. Friday's practice round was soggy and miserable. Saturday was completely rained out. So they had a one day tournament today, and were given a voucher to play another round when they choose. They are not home yet. I hope it was a good day.
Since golf was rained out and Golfer came home early yesterday, he said he'd wor
k on the bedroom painting that I started last weekend. So we got all the stuff gathered up and went to work. It's all done! We both like it and are satisfied. Here's a picture of Golfer while we were waiting for the paint to dry so the bed and headboard could be moved back into place. Those of you who have been in our house know that the furniture is large and heavy and not easy to move, so we didn't want to do it more than once.

(Please disregard the camera date. The rechargeable batteries completely died. The new ones don't work, I have switched to lithium ones, and the date stays messed up)
UPDATE! Golfer called and said play was long. Had a good time. They came in third in their flight. Yea!
I have spent most of the day working on the new drapes and curtains. I had some issues picking them out when I bought them. The fabric I liked that was the right color didn't come in drapes with the right dimensions. So I ordered extra long panels and went to work. The panels had to
be shortened and altered to use drapery hooks and the valances needed to have the rod pockets enlarged. Everything needed to be pressed. But they're done, I like them. I still want to make two small pillow covers. And I have some material for Bikini, who offered to make us a coordinating quilt.

In other news, I took all three furry kids to the doctor for their yearly check-ups and shots. All are okay and all are speaking to me again. :)
Golfer and I had our flu shots this past week, so we're all set.
That's about it for now. Take care and stay safe. Onward!
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