Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hey! It's the Day After Surgery!

Hey, all!

The surgery on my foot went well. Golfer and I were at the hospital before 6:45 a.m. yesterday. There was the usual paperwork, then I was taken back for more questions and discussions with the doctors. And of course the changing into the lovely hospital gown and cap. My doctor came in and drew on my foot. An IV was started. Golfer and Nurse J were called back to sit with me along with our pastor, Rev. C. He said a prayer and then left. Soon after that, the nurse told Golfer and Nurse J to give me a hug and leave and I was rolled away to the surgery suite.

I remember someone saying I needed to breathe the oxygen coming out of the mask and next thing I knew I was back in recovery with a nurse asking me more questions. And then when she determined I was really awake and still knew when my birthday was she rolled me into the recovery room. Golfer and Nurse J were brought in. They got to watch me try to eat some not-so-great crackers. Have you ever tried to eat a cracker when your mouth literally has no spit??? Not fun. Then I was given two pain pills to take. We went home shortly after that.

The rest of the day is a blur of nausea and light-headedness. I don't know if it was the after effects of the anesthesia or the pain pills or both, but it was nasty. I decided not to take more of the pain pills and am relying on the usual DayPro that I take for the RA and also taking some Tylenol. I am hoping that will keep things tolerable. I figure after the level of pain I've had to several months, I think I can handle it. When I woke up this morning the nausea and light-headedness was much better, so we'll see how the day goes.

My foot is fairly heavily bandaged and wrapped. I wear the "boot" when I'm up. I used the walker yesterday but have switched to my quad cane today. I'm not supposed to unwrap my foot, remove the bandage, or get it wet until Saturday.

Thanks for the prayers, calls, and good thoughts. Onward we go!

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