Monday, October 13, 2008


Hey, all!

Things have been busy around here. I went for a progress check-up for the fracture in my foot. The doctor looked at the x-rays and said it wasn't healing and we should go ahead and do the surgery on it rather than waiting for the six months he originally mentioned. I'm scheduled for early Wednesday morning. I am hoping this will get it mended and I can get back to a more normal routine in the near future. As it is, and has been for what seems like months and months, I can only be up on my foot for a short time before it gets too painful and then have to sit down and prop it up to rest.

Over the past few days, I have gradually been taking care of odds and ends and getting things all caught up around the house. Golfer will be taking family medical leave and will be home with me following the surgery.

Things are well with Nurse J and her family. She likes her new job. Cable Guy will be having some additional training for his work. BeyB is doing well with school. They adopted a new kitten - Bartowski - to keep Sid and Grayson company. It's lively around their house!

Bikini had a scare this morning when Bloomer and Boxer both fell down the basement stairs. Nothing broken, but lots of bumps and bruises. Scary for all of them.

I had a little clean-up job to do on the porch. I had finally managed to get a couple pumpkins and had a nice Fall arrangement of those, some gourds and some corn. Saturday morning I looked out and all the corn had been dragged almost off the porch and some taken off the cob. Evidently the little squirrel and the tiny bird that I saw taking off were hungry! So the corn got swept up and put out by our bird feeder and I rearranged all the rest of it. Still looks nice and all the corn out back has disappeared!

That's it from here. Please keep a good thought for me on Wednesday. I'm anxious to get this over with!

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