Sunday, August 8, 2021

I Just Do Not Understand

This post has been rolling around in my head for a while. I've decided it is time.

I am tired of whining, complaining people.  Period.  You are all just making it so much harder for the rest of the responsible and careful - and I would like to say - more intelligent and caring people. 

I do not understand why so many people are so confused about Covid precautions, getting the vaccine, and mask wearing.  Every time I read, watch, or hear any news reports I hear people voicing their opinions pro and con.  Let me say here that I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  That does not mean that I am required to agree, especially when it endangers me and the people I love.  I also do not care if you think my opinion is wrong.

I am old enough to remember there being health issues, diseases, and receiving important vaccines.  I grew up in a small town.  When the vaccine for Polio was developed, everyone lined up at the school auditorium and got it. Simple as that; no one in town wanted to get Polio.  We were also all vaccinated for Smallpox as soon as we were old enough.

Over the years, I’ve had annual Flu vaccines.  When our older daughter was a baby and getting her first vaccinations, I also got them.  The doctor said there was no sense taking a chance on me getting sick.  So I got the Measles and Mumps vaccines.  I did not get a Chickenpox vaccine because that was the only childhood disease that I had had.

As I have gotten older I have had the TDAP vaccine booster.  I’ve had the Shingles vaccine.  I have had the Pneumonia vaccine.  So I had no problem at all getting the Covid 19 vaccine as soon as I was able.  And if there is a booster vaccine for it, I will get that also.

And I will continue to try to stay safe and protect myself and others.  I have granddaughters who are not old enough for the vaccine.  I do not want them to get sick.  With the Delta Variant being stronger and more contagious, and whatever other variants come along, everyone should be taking precautions.  The medical research reports say that this strain of Covid can infect vaccinated people in breakthrough cases.  You can still get sick, but hopefully not end up in the hospital.


Vaccinated people can have Covid Delta with no symptoms and still pass it to others. Wearing a mask can protect you and protect anyone else.

I just don't understand why so many people have decided to be irresponsible.  So many doctors, nurses, first responders, and others have worn themselves out trying to take care of the victims of this disease.  Some of these brave people have died doing it.  Why can’t the rest of us put on a mask and be careful?  Why all the arguments about doing that???  

To all of you who think the government is going to put a tracker in your vaccine: If they wanted to put a tracker in you, you would already have one.  There would be easier ways to do it.  Think about our public utilities and water supply.  

To those who think getting a vaccine takes away your freedom:  what kind of freedom do you think you will have when you are sick and connected to tubes and on life support?  And think about what that turn of events will do to your family and loved ones.

We may never know exactly how this virus started or was developed.  But it is here and we need to all do our part to deal with it.  So put on the mask, get the vaccine, and take the necessary precautions of distancing and being careful.

And in the words of many mothers, “Go wash your hands!”  Stay safe!

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