Sunday, August 15, 2021

A Thoughtful Sigh

I remember a phrase my Grama Ethel would sometimes say, "things are going to he** in a handbasket".  Just for the record, Grama hardly ever uttered a curse word, so if she said this, you just knew things were not good.  And if things were so bad, Granpa Claude would utter "Judas Priest!".

I watched some news this morning.  I used to watch news several times a day but now limit my news watching to once a day.  And usually that is a recording of the Today Show that I can fast forward if I need to, depending on how bad the news is that day.  (survival technique) I heard about volcanoes erupting, earthquakes, tropical storms, floodings, the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, murders, and of course, the ongoing Covid pandemic.  

So, here we are. We need to have faith that God is watching over us.  Things will get better. I'm just not sure when.

Children are either already back in school or getting ready to go back.  I would like for them to be safe. Our youngest grandchildren are not old enough for the vaccine.  I'd like for all of us to stay safe.  But I realize that unless everyone takes action, gets the vaccine, and takes precautions, the virus will continue to spread and more and more people will get sick and more will die.  All I can say is do your part.  Protect your loved ones.  Get the vaccine, wear a mask, distance, and stop arguing and protesting about doing that. 

But, like I said, keep the faith.  There are reasons why we are not active members of a church now, but that doe not stop me from talking with God every day.  I am living proof that he watches over me.  But still, some days are tough. There is truth in "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

Please take care of yourselves and stay safe.  God Bless America!

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