Saturday, August 28, 2021
Another Special Donut!
Friday, August 27, 2021
A Successful Meet the Teacher Event
Cutie Girl and Little Miss E start school again on Monday. They met their teachers yesterday. Little Miss E has the same Kindergarten teacher that Cutie Girl had. So that is working out well. Here she is at the meeting.
And here is a recent picture of Cutie Girl showing her new back to school haircut.
Jordan's classes also start on Monday. Boxer and Bloomer have been back to their classes almost a month now.
Take care of yourselves and stay safe. God Bless America! Life is great.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Just An Update
About the fence..... two workers showed up after 10:00 a.m. I have not seen these guys before, but they appear to know what they are doing. We'll see.
Otherwise, it is still hot and humid.
Covid cases are still increasing. More things are being cancelled. The Mayor says get vaccinated, wear a mask, distance, be safe, etc.
Cutie Girl and Little Miss E meet their teachers tomorrow and school will start for them next week. It remains to be seen whether school will stay in the classrooms as planned or if things have to be changed. We can only hope.
I have officially started "Fall cleaning". 🍂 🍂 I plan on one room or one special cleaning project a day. That will probably be every other day and I'll pace myself so I don't over-do. 😊 My joints only like so much. So far I have done the dining room and I did the major cleanup of the front mulched area.
Tomorrow our semi-recumbent elliptical machine is to be delivered and set up. Then we will get the tech parts set up and start using it!
Life is good, even if stressful at times. Take care of yourselves and stay safe.
Here's a close-up picture of the new flag out front.
God Bless America!
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Worked It Out
Fence update: I called yesterday before noon and asked about our fence work. I was told the guys had been picking up the wood and were on the way to our house as we were speaking. No one showed up all day.
No one showed up this morning either. I called about noon and told the woman at the desk I wanted to speak to someone in charge. I got a call back within minutes along with an apology. He had meant to call us this morning and didn't get to it. No one would be coming to work today. He had eight guys call out yesterday and three today. He assured me that someone will be here to finish the fence work tomorrow morning. We'll see.
Since I had a lot of pent up stress energy that needed somewhere to go and I didn't want to spend that energy yelling or throwing things around, I went out to work on the front mulched area. It has really been bugging me lately. I was trying to hold out for some cooler weather but decided to try it today. The forecast doesn't show any cool weather any time soon here. So I went out and pruned our large azalea, and used the electric trimmer on the shrubs. Then I pulled a few weeds, swept down spider webs, used the blower and cleaned things up. Les came out and got a couple big weeds I couldn't reach or pull, and he helped clean up, too. Then I hung up our new Fall small flag.
We are inside and all showered and cleaned up now. It is 91 and the heat index is 102.
Take care of yourselves and stay safe. God Bless America!
Monday, August 23, 2021
Fence Update for Day "Whatever"
It is after 10:00 a.m. and we have not heard from the fence company or seen anyone yet. We would like for this to be finished.
I'm just saying.
Stay safe. And God Bless America!
It is still August and Pumpkin Spice is starting already! Dunkin' has started, Starbucks is scheduled for this week.
I don't care for the pumpkin spice drinks, but I know that a lot of people wait all year for these. I like the smell of pumpkin and spice, but not the taste of the drinks. I do like the flavors in a great pumpkin pie though! 😊
So, if you are a fan, enjoy!
Stay safe. God Bless America! Life is great.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
A Mistake Was Made
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Fence Day Four
Some progress on day four!
Day Three of the Fence Work
Honestly, there isn't much to show for day three. The guys worked for about three hours and left. We wished they had taken this pile of the old fence wood with them. It was killing the grass and sitting on a sprinkler head. It is now gone after I called and asked when it was going to be moved. 😊 We have not checked the sprinkler head and it is too soon to tell if the yellowed grass is going to make a complete comeback. But we hope so.
Life remains good. Take care of yourselves and stay safe!
God Bless America!
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
The Fence Is Happening!
After delays for many reasons, the work on our new fence is now in progress. The guys showed up Monday morning. And even though it rained off and on all day, they kept going.
As of this writing (day three) The left side posts are set, plumbed, cut and leveled. The right side posts are set, plumbed, and both gates are being built. There is a big pile of the old fence wood sitting in the front yard. They will haul that away when the work is finished. They've carried a lot of new wood to the back yard.
So here are some pictures!
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Day 1 |
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Day 1 |
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Day 2 |
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Day 2 |
Monday, August 16, 2021
A Resting "B" Face
I am posting this picture because it has special meaning in our family. 😊 Thanks to "I Can Haz Cheeseburger" site for the original posting of picture.
Life is good. Stay safe. God Bless America!
Sunday, August 15, 2021
A Thoughtful Sigh
I remember a phrase my Grama Ethel would sometimes say, "things are going to he** in a handbasket". Just for the record, Grama hardly ever uttered a curse word, so if she said this, you just knew things were not good. And if things were so bad, Granpa Claude would utter "Judas Priest!".
I watched some news this morning. I used to watch news several times a day but now limit my news watching to once a day. And usually that is a recording of the Today Show that I can fast forward if I need to, depending on how bad the news is that day. (survival technique) I heard about volcanoes erupting, earthquakes, tropical storms, floodings, the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, murders, and of course, the ongoing Covid pandemic.
So, here we are. We need to have faith that God is watching over us. Things will get better. I'm just not sure when.
Children are either already back in school or getting ready to go back. I would like for them to be safe. Our youngest grandchildren are not old enough for the vaccine. I'd like for all of us to stay safe. But I realize that unless everyone takes action, gets the vaccine, and takes precautions, the virus will continue to spread and more and more people will get sick and more will die. All I can say is do your part. Protect your loved ones. Get the vaccine, wear a mask, distance, and stop arguing and protesting about doing that.
But, like I said, keep the faith. There are reasons why we are not active members of a church now, but that doe not stop me from talking with God every day. I am living proof that he watches over me. But still, some days are tough. There is truth in "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
Please take care of yourselves and stay safe. God Bless America!
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Patio Visitors, or Residents
I'm pretty sure these guys are living under our deck.
By the time I took a close-up picture, the little one was back under the deck. We also have one a little bit larger that is black with white stripes that lives under our front door step.
We thought the work on replacing our fence was going to start today. But I got an email about noon from the fence rep saying that work is delayed due to the extreme heat. They are now supposed to start work on Monday. The heat index was at 107 last time I looked.
Our MDX had his state safety inspection this morning so that is done for another year.
Nothing else going on here; just trying to stay safe. You should all do the same.
Take care of yourselves and God Bless America!
Monday, August 9, 2021
Sunday, August 8, 2021
I Just Do Not Understand
This post has been rolling around in my head for a while. I've decided it is time.
I am tired of whining, complaining people. Period. You are all just making it so much harder for the rest of the responsible and careful - and I would like to say - more intelligent and caring people.
I do not understand why so many people are so confused about Covid precautions, getting the vaccine, and mask wearing. Every time I read, watch, or hear any news reports I hear people voicing their opinions pro and con. Let me say here that I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That does not mean that I am required to agree, especially when it endangers me and the people I love. I also do not care if you think my opinion is wrong.
I am old enough to remember there being health issues, diseases, and receiving important vaccines. I grew up in a small town. When the vaccine for Polio was developed, everyone lined up at the school auditorium and got it. Simple as that; no one in town wanted to get Polio. We were also all vaccinated for Smallpox as soon as we were old enough.
Over the years, I’ve had annual Flu vaccines. When our older daughter was a baby and getting her first vaccinations, I also got them. The doctor said there was no sense taking a chance on me getting sick. So I got the Measles and Mumps vaccines. I did not get a Chickenpox vaccine because that was the only childhood disease that I had had.
As I have gotten older I have had the TDAP vaccine booster. I’ve had the Shingles vaccine. I have had the Pneumonia vaccine. So I had no problem at all getting the Covid 19 vaccine as soon as I was able. And if there is a booster vaccine for it, I will get that also.
And I will continue to try to stay safe and protect myself and others. I have granddaughters who are not old enough for the vaccine. I do not want them to get sick. With the Delta Variant being stronger and more contagious, and whatever other variants come along, everyone should be taking precautions. The medical research reports say that this strain of Covid can infect vaccinated people in breakthrough cases. You can still get sick, but hopefully not end up in the hospital.
Vaccinated people can have Covid Delta with no symptoms and still pass it to others. Wearing a mask can protect you and protect anyone else.
I just don't understand why so many people have decided to be irresponsible. So many doctors, nurses, first responders, and others have worn themselves out trying to take care of the victims of this disease. Some of these brave people have died doing it. Why can’t the rest of us put on a mask and be careful? Why all the arguments about doing that???
To all of you who think the government is going to put a tracker in your vaccine: If they wanted to put a tracker in you, you would already have one. There would be easier ways to do it. Think about our public utilities and water supply.
To those who think getting a vaccine takes away your freedom: what kind of freedom do you think you will have when you are sick and connected to tubes and on life support? And think about what that turn of events will do to your family and loved ones.
We may never know exactly how this virus started or was developed. But it is here and we need to all do our part to deal with it. So put on the mask, get the vaccine, and take the necessary precautions of distancing and being careful.
And in the words of many mothers, “Go wash your hands!” Stay safe!
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Just checking in and hoping everyone is well and staying safe.
Les and I are doing okay and keeping up with things. We had a break in the hot weather and I was having a "good feeling" day recently and I got out and did some work in the yard. The mulched areas are cleaned up and pruning was done in several areas. The back corner of the yard had been bothering me but it now looks so much better!
The other large mulched area in the backyard is cleaned up also. We have talked about having the Azalea stumps dug out and new Azaleas planted this Fall. But I'm thinking now that it might be better to wait until early Spring for that work. A couple of the other oldest shrubs might need to be dug out, too. No sense in disturbing everything twice. But we will see about this.