Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Just Some Updates

My doctor's appointment went okay.  I was the very last one of the day and he was running late, but he spent time with me discussing my "issues".  And his very nice nurse showed me on the computer the proof that I did, indeed, NOT cancel my morning appointment.  She also said if the receptionist had been doing her job she would have looked at that and gone right away to talk with her and the doctor and they would have gotten me in.  It was a computer system error.  And then yesterday morning I went for all the lab work.  Results are pending.

Yesterday was an usually warm day of mid-70's.  It rained during the night and today is in mid-40's, but it's been sunny.  It was too wet for golf so Les and I went out for breakfast and then did a couple errands and went to the Commissary.  We just returned home from the "Y".  Laundry is running now and I need to go to the kitchen to start dinner.

Cutie Girl is feeling better.  Little Miss E is busy as ever.  Jordan's exams are going well.  Boxer and Bloomer are busy with school and doing well. 

Here's another Christmasy picture to end the post.  Stay safe and God Bless America!  Life is great!

Thanks again, Pam!

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