Sunday, January 29, 2017

Well. Huh.

Seems I was a week off on the Super Bowl.  😃  I thought it was today!  I must have been confused by all the football talk on ESPN and other news.  And here is how I found out....

I thought I'd surprise Golfer and make some of the Mexican dip he likes a lot.  Thought it would be a good snack during the game.  I was out in the kitchen doing some advance prep on it and Golfer came out to see if lunch was ready.  He looked at the baking dish with the bean dip spread out and asked what that was and what was I doing.  And that's when he said the game is next weekend.  So it's going into the freezer!

And then I went outside and did some yard cleanup after lunch.  Ended up with five of the large, clear yard bags that are out at the curb for pick-up tomorrow.  I pulled some weeds, picked up a LOT of sticks and twigs and small branches, raked up leaves from the mulched areas. Looks better and I feel good getting it done.

The pansies are doing well on the porch.  The day lilies out back are starting to come up.  There are some buds starting on some of the hydrangeas.  And it might snow tomorrow.  I filled the bird feeder so it's ready for them.

Stay safe, people!

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