Saturday, September 3, 2016

Just Another Update

3:45 p.m.   Still windy, raining off and on, 72 degrees.

We are still hunkered down here.  There was a lull in the rain and I went out to get the mail.  Most of it was wet.  That's okay.  Most of it was junk anyway.  The good stuff was not damaged.

I took advantage of the pleasant temperature and the breeze and gave the two old wooden chairs on the porch that are used as plant stands their pre-Winter oiling.  Then it started to rain again and I came back inside.

I did a couple loads of laundry and ran the vacuum.  We watched a couple recorded shows.  It's just a quiet day.

Nurse J says they are okay at her house, no storm damage visible from the windows.

In our storm prep work last evening Golfer taped the edges of our back door.  This is a work in progress.  A couple months ago I said we needed more weather stripping around the door. I discovered this during the power washing of the house while I was sitting in my chair reading and got wet.   Golfer agreed and got some.  But that was when we were having the extremely hot, humid weather and not much got done.  We decided the door frame needed to be painted first because some paint had peeled off.  So I got it scraped and sanded and cleaned up.  And then decided no way was I going to be trying to paint and have the door open in that heat.  So the new weather stripping did not get put on.  And then when it did cool off a little, I was dealing with vertigo and dental appointments.  So our solution last night was to cover the edges with duct tape to keep any wind-blown rain out during the night. I took the tape off a little while ago.  Now I am in the process of trying to get the tape adhesive off.  It's always something.

Stay safe!

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