Friday, September 9, 2016

Busy Week!

My dental work was finished up this week.  If you ever have to have crown work done, and your dentist says it's a computerized system, don't worry.  In the past the worst parts of having crown work done have always been the rubbery goo making the mold and holding it in your mouth and then all the filing and sanding to make the thing perfect when they get ready to attach it.  I have just had two new crowns done with the computerized system and little mini wand scanner.  Both of them were perfect as delivered.  It was pop them in, check them, and then cement them in.  No fidgeting, sanding, grinding, filing.  Yay!

And I had the re-check follow-up appointment for the laser eye surgery.  All is well, everything is good.  My sight is better.  I ordered new bifocal sunglasses so when I drive I can see more on the dashboard than the speedometer.  :)

I have been in clean-out mode and going through a few things.  I have several bags and boxes for pick-up when the DAV comes through the neighborhood later this month.

This Summer has been really hard on the yard.  Hopefully, if we ever get Fall weather, it will be better for things.  The trees are dropping leaves all over the place.  They aren't even bothering to change color.  It's like they decided "we're done!"  "enough of this".  Raking has begun.  Sigh.

Stay safe!

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