Thursday, September 22, 2016

Busy Day!

I started out my day with an appointment to get blood work done to check my vitamin D level.  I have to have this done every six months.  While I was sitting there with the nurse, she asked if I had time for the annual Medicare Wellness check.  When she was done drawing blood, we started on that. I passed all her tests.  Yay!  I do wonder if they will eventually change one of those tests.  Every year I have been given a piece of paper with a circle on it.  Then I have to write in the numbers for a clock correctly, then draw the hands of the clock for a certain time she tells me.  So far, I have done it right!  But I worry about what will happen as the young people today age and they can't do that because they only use digital clocks.  :)  I also got my flu shot.  Rosa said they had already had two confirmed cases of the flu and were giving them early.  Usually our doctor doesn't start until at least mid-October with the flu shots.  As I was leaving she said I should tell Golfer to call and arrange to get his.  He's going tomorrow.

There is still no golf around here and it is still raining.  Southside has a lot of flooding.  Lots of stupid people have damaged cars from thinking they could just drive through the high water.  I have not heard a total rainfall amount so far.  Our yard is squishy.  They are now warning about trees falling over from the root systems being saturated.

It did stop raining long enough for Golfer to go out and pick up the limb and branches that were down in the back yard.  And I got out to do a couple errands.  I was almost blinded when the sun came out for almost two minutes.  Really, it lasted that long!  Then it got dark and rained some more.

I have a list of things I want to do around the house, sort of the "Fall cleaning" chores.  I got started this afternoon and did a couple things.  Both bathrooms have been thoroughly scrubbed and the dining room walls have been wiped down, the baseboards cleaned, and the curtains and windows washed in that room.  I figured it was okay to do those since the porch roof is over them.  The rest of the windows will wait until the rain stops.

So, life is good, stay safe!

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