Friday, December 25, 2015

May the Force of Christmas Be With You!

I hope you all have had a happy day!  I am worn out.  What with the cooking and cleaning and excitement and doing extra things, I am ready to have a shower, get in my pj's and watch a new movie!  We got several!  Unfortunately, Amazon hasn't been doing a very good job syncing our wish lists and Golfer and I got each other two of the same movies.  I just printed out the label and mailing instructions to return two of them.

Nurse J was on call today but they all got here for dinner about 1:00.  It was pretty good if I do say so.  :)  Then we opened gifts.  Cutie Girl opened one and liked it so much she didn't care to open the rest of hers.  BeyB helped her with that.  We had a nice afternoon just visiting and watching  Cutie Girl run laps through the house.

Bikini called us and they are doing well.  They had spent the afternoon with Brief's parents.  She said everyone was tired and too hot there, too.

Golfer and I have put our gifts away and he is probably out there napping in front of the TV now.  I wanted to post a couple pictures.  Otherwise, I'd be out there resting, too.

Star Wars was present in the theme this year!  Golfer got me a new small suitcase.  R2D2!

Golfer also got me BB8!  I still have much to learn to get to know her.  But she's fun to chase the furry kids with!  I operate her with an app on my phone.  He also got me the Star Wars salt and pepper shakers.  Very cute!  But couldn't use them because we didn't have any ground pepper in the house.  It's now on the grocery list and they will be on the table for the next dinner.

Bikini made Golfer a new tech bag for when we travel.  She had made a bag for me a couple years ago and we have shared it when we travel.  It gets so full, it's too heavy by the time we  load in our tablets, all the chargers, our books and glasses, etc.  So now we each have one!  And again... Star Wars!  The black and white part holds the chargers.

Santa came for the furry kids, too. Cinder was pretty protective of her stocking!

Cecil and Finnigan were tired out.

It's been a good day.  Lots of memories, old and new.  Now I need to go fix a couple ham sandwiches and then hit the shower.  Tomorrow is a busy day!  The un-decorating will begin!!  Followed by cleaning.

Stay safe!

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