Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year!

It's been an "interesting" week.  My last post was on Monday and all was well until I had lunch following that post.  I had been to the dentist on an emergency visit two weeks earlier.  While eating lunch I felt something "pop" in my mouth and then ooze.   Ick.  Yuck. Gross.  I called the dentist and went in right away.  I had an infection/abscess up in the bone above a tooth what had had a root canal and a crown.  I was told I would need surgery for them to get it taken care of.  So he called the oral surgeon who said come in right away, it needs attention.  Because of my TKRs and back surgeries, I have to be careful about infections spreading to implants.  Monday afternoon was spent filling out paperwork and sitting in the dental chair.  I have quite a few sutures in my mouth that are bugging me now, but the pain is much better and the swelling is down.  I am taking a strong antibiotic.

I had had some things planned on my to-do list that just didn't happen while I was resting as instructed and holding an ice bag on my face.  So those things will be carrying over to the new year.  I am really glad I got the un-decorating done last weekend!

Golfer has had a relapse on the back pain and he is also resting and taking his meds.  Fortunately, we never go out for New Year's Eve, so we won't be missing anything.  We like to stay off the roads and just watch a movie and have snacks and try to stay awake until midnight to watch the ball drop in Times Square.  We're usually in bed by 12:05.  :)

It's been a gray and wet week.  Many puddles are in the yard.  I need to see the sun!  It is getting colder now and feels more like Winter.  Remember I said I am always ready for Spring on December 26th, so this business of getting colder is not especially great.  But God knows what He's doing, so I'll put on a sweatshirt and deal with it.

Stay safe!

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