Wednesday, December 2, 2015


The decorating is officially declared finished!  As soon as I finished my breakfast and reading the paper this morning, I got busy.  Great plan.  Did not go quite as I had thought.

There was a delay while I went out to the garage to look for the electrical tape.  While hanging ornaments on the bottom of the tree I found a pre-wired tree light that was not lit.  Upon inspection I discovered the wires had been chewed clear through.  Lucky for the furry kids, the lights all still worked.  Honestly, I don't know if this happened in the last two days or if it happened last year and we just didn't see it.  Either way, all is well, the furry kids are safe and no one was put into permanent time out.  I just taped the wires and light and tucked it away in the branches.

Then there was a delay while I cleaned up a broken ornament - one of the really old ones.  And on it went; eventually I got done.  Then I started putting the boxes away and started the last of the cleaning.

Sooooo, here are some pictures!. . . . . . . . .   Well, maybe not.  Seems that Google and Blogger are having some issues.  Boo!  Hiss!  I'll check later to see if they have fixed the problem.

Stay safe!

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