Wednesday, December 9, 2015


I hope your Christmas preparations are coming along and everyone is happy and healthy.  This can be an emotional time of year for some. Even I have some "feels" this time of year (as Bikini would call it).  But all is well and all is good.

I've been taking care of some follow-up on some minor issues.  Things like getting a prescription refilled when the doctor's office wouldn't respond to Express Scripts or my messages.  And getting a replacement part for my clock.  And being here for the Culligan man to come to do the annual service call on the water filtration system.

The decorating is done, and the cards done and mailed.  Shopping is done, but a few things still have to be delivered and wrapped.  I have not baked anything yet and plan to do that soon.

Golfer's back has been bothering him a little, but he's been taking care of himself and is feeling better.  It's sunny and in the 50's today and he is out on the golf course.  :)

Our yard work is pretty much all caught up.  The mower went in for a tune-up and is now back in the shed and ready for Spring.

We went to see "Mockingjay 2" and enjoyed it.  It was our kind of movie environment - maybe six other people in the theater!

Bikini's family is passing around a cold or crud of some kind.  She has it now, but basically, they are all okay.

Nurse J is doing okay.  Cutie Girl had another eye appointment and will be having eye surgery in February to hopefully correct the tracking issues she has.  BeyB is just getting over an ear infection.

With the state of the world, it is sometimes hard to stay positive and not sink into a worried state of despair.  I've been thinking about everything that's been going on.  Is it possible that there's always been such violence and it's just more obvious now because the world is so connected and we are blasted with the news 24/7 on every device?  I really don't think the President's miserable speech the other night made anyone feel any better.  But that's another story and worry and nothing that I can fix.

So.  All is well.  Stay safe.

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