Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Work Has Begun!

Hooray!  The landscaper and workers appeared this morning about 7:45 and got right to work.  Evidently, the whole "wait for things to dry out" plan is out the window.  Today is sunny with a little breeze and it's in the mid-60's.  But it is still pretty wet out in the yard.

I have adopted the "if they mess something else up, they can fix it before they get paid" line of thinking, and am trying not to worry about any of it.

For a while they had a very large remote controlled stump grinder out there, just like we have seen on HGTV!  The furry kids were not amused though and if looks could kill.........  They did  not like the noise and strangers in our yard.

I was asked a little bit ago what we wanted to do about the leaves.  I very nicely said that we had been keeping them cleaned up ever since we thought the work was going to start about a month ago, but it had been too wet recently for us to get out and do any clean-up.  If they didn't want to clean them up, just blow them out onto the grass and we'd try to get them later.  We can't do anything out there now without getting in their way.

Our sprinkler system set-up is not what the landscaper expected and the sprinkler guy will be coming to do some work soon.   There has to be some adjusting of locations and such to have everything covered.   Conveniently, they work together a lot I'm told.  And also, they know and work with our new yard guy.  So pretty soon our yard ought to be looking great again!!

In other news... all the usual daily chores and things have been getting done.  Trips to the "Y" have been made.  Golf has been played.  Christmas cards have been started. Good books have been read.  Many shows have been watched.  Oh, BTW, we found another new show we like!  Try "Agent X" if you get a chance.  It's on TNT.

Better go now, the dryer just beeped.  Stay safe!

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