Monday, November 2, 2015

Really, People?!?!

I always look through the coupons that come with the Sunday paper.  I came across this.  Really??? Was there a huge need for this product???  Who thinks of these things???

I don't know about  you, but when I want a snack, Spam certainly isn't the first thing to come into my mind.

I remember Spam from my childhood.  Mom and Granma both liked to fry it.  Spam and eggs for breakfast, usually with something like fried mush, or as a side to Maypo or something.  There would also be Spam hash, Spam sandwiches, and other delicacies.  It was never one of my favorites.  Have not had any in many, many years.  And I don't plan to try snacking on any in the near future!

Stay safe!

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