Friday, November 27, 2015

Hello from Georgia!

We're  having a great visit with Bikini, Brief and the kids!   The furry kids have been particularly attentive!

Thanksgiving dinner was delicious.  Bikini did a great job.  Here she is making "Thanksgiving peanut brittle".  :)

And here I am helping a little.

We went over to see Brief's family and had another dessert later in the afternoon.  Yum!  And then on the way back to the house we detoured by Toys r Us so Bikini and Brief could get the kids new bikes.  Bloomer had outgrown hers and Boxer's had been stolen from their driveway recently.  Conveniently there was a limited time sale that was worth the trip.  Crowded, but successful.  Golfer and I waited in our car.  :)  That has been the only shopping.  We've stayed away from the crowds.

We did venture out this morning to see the new Good Mews Cat Shelter.  It is lovely and there are many wonderful kitties waiting for their forever homes.  The new shelter has large sunny windows and plenty of places for the kitties to sit in the sun.

Right now there is some outside work happening and Christmas decorations being put up.  Also some quilting for a project going on.  I decided after emptying the dishwasher that it was a perfect time for a blog post.

Stay safe!

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