Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Well, the long-waited-for landscaping work and repair in the yard has not started.  Rain started; but no work.  He came by early Monday morning to talk to us and look at the yard again.  Today is sunny and warm, no rain.  If it dries out enough, work might start by the end of the week.  But more rain is predicted for Thursday and some on the weekend.  Really, what do the forecasters know?!? So it's pretty much "wait and see".  A major point of concern is how to get the heavy equipment to the back of the yard without tearing up the side yard and causing more damage.  I am confident that he is going to be careful.  I just want this all done.

But, that's how it is.  I have been busy with the usual things around here that need doing every day.  And I've done a little extra cleaning on bigger projects.  I spent several hours concerning Christmas, doing an inventory of our Christmas shopping so far.  And then, since I had everything pulled out of the closet, I decided to just go ahead and wrap things.  Then I made a new list for the remaining items we still need to get.  I also worked on our address database in preparation for doing cards in the near future.

My latest project is cleaning out our files.  I usually do that the end of December, but there have been some changes made in some things and updates and new labels were needed.   Plus, some were quite full.  So I've been sorting and shredding.

The temperatures have been back and forth.  A couple days are really cool, then a couple warm.  The leaves are really falling down quickly now.  I'm not seeing the vibrant colors that I've seen some years, but they are still pretty.  If only they would rake and bag themselves!

So.  Life goes on.  Life is good.  I'm going back to the shredding now.  Stay safe!

P.S.  Did you go vote????

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