Sunday, November 22, 2015


We started out this morning at almost 60 degrees and rainy.  The wind has picked up, the rain has come down, and the temperature has dropped.  Right now it is 44.

And because this has not been a good day for doing yard work, cleaning up leaves, or playing golf, we went to a movie.  We rarely go on a weekend.  We like to be in an un-crowded theater.  :)  But "Spectre" has been out for a couple weeks and we figured most people would be seeing the final Hunger Games movie.  We were right.  "Spectre" was excellent!  I already want to see it again.  It will be on one of our wish lists soon!

It had been a little while since we had been to a movie.  Today we discovered that they now serve beer at the concession stand!  Go figure!  I supposed it's nice to offer the choice, but I don't really see the need.  Our popcorn and Cokes were very good.  I used the AARP card for the special and
Golfer used the free popcorn ticket he got today.  :)

Nurse J is doing okay.  She's very tired and having some occasional nausea; and lots of doctors' appointments and testing.  So far, so good.  Another happy blessing from God.  He has a plan.

We will be seeing Bikini for Thanksgiving and we're looking forward to spending time with them.  Boxer and Bloomer have probably grown a foot since we last saw them!  She has told us we get to help her decorate while we're there.  :)

Life is good.  Stay safe!

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