Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Life Is Moving Along

Our days are filled with all the usual daily chores and duties, and we seem to keep busy. There are trips to the "Y" and Golfer gets some rounds in.   As for me, the "Fall" cleaning is under control and pretty much done.  It won't be too long before another extra good cleaning before Christmas decorations come out!  Time seems to move too fast sometimes.

Our yard work has been at a minimum lately since we've been waiting for seeds to sprout and grow.  And since there has been more watering because of that, the ground has been too squishy to really walk around out there too much.  I did do a little clean-up on the weekend.  There were a couple weeds shouting at me every time I looked out the window and they had to go!  The long awaited drainage repair and landscaping in the back corner of the yard is scheduled for next Monday and Tuesday and I will be glad when it is over and done.  I'm hoping that that work does not mess up the new grass in other areas.

Bikini is in Las Vegas for a work conference.  She says it's a good time since there's a bull riders convention going on now also.  :)

Nurse J went to her work conference in Atlantic City recently, but missed most of it due to a trip to the ER for kidney stones.  She is better.

I've been working on Christmas shopping and such.  While I was out doing errands recently I was in Lowes.  If Golfer and I were into the big blow-up decorations for the yard, I found the one we would have to get - - - -  R2D2 and C3P0 in Christmas hats with a pretty tree!  I find it very unsettling to go into stores and have Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas items all on display together.

I just finished reading John Scalzi's The End of All Things.  It is the latest in the Old Man's War series and was very good.  Now I'm catching up on magazines.  And then I'll start Clive Cussler's  Solomon's Curse.

We've been having our typical Virginia Fall weather - a few days warm and then a few cold and back and forth.  Today is cool, dark, and cloudy and there is supposed to rain later.  The furry kids have gone into cold weather mode and frequently burrow under the quilts, or hunker down in a warm chair.  Here is Finnigan, our little fur ball!  He had everything all tucked in!

It's time for me to go check on the golf hats I am washing.  More later!  Stay safe!

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