Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Another Beautiful Day!

The windows are open, the sun is shining, life is good!

The new yard guys called yesterday about noon to say they would be here today.  Golfer cut the grass low as instructed yesterday afternoon and marked all the sprinkler heads.  The guys - four of them - showed up a little before 10:00 this morning.  They are done and gone now.  They did a more extensive aeration that we ever had with the old company.  And they left a sheet of instructions and a large bag of grass seed for any problem areas.  They will return in a few weeks for the next treatment.

Golfer and I went and got our flu shots yesterday afternoon.  Have you gotten yours yet????

I've done some cleaning this morning and will do a load of laundry when Golfer returns from the "Y" and driving range.

Angus is happy.  One of my chores today was cleaning out under the stove, the refrigerator, washer and dryer.  He loves shoving his favorite toys under those places and then sits there all sad in front of them because he can't get his toys.  I found six this morning.  One is already under the linen closet door!

I need to take inventory of our Christmas shopping and see what else I need to look for.  The gifts for Bikini's family need to be ready for our Thanksgiving trip, in case you're wondering why so early.  But I do like to get things ready early so I don't have to rush around in the crowds closer to Christmas.

Stay safe!

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