Friday, October 2, 2015

Another Update

It's raining and windy, sometimes more than others.  But I recently looked out and it seemed like it was raining sideways.

I had to venture out for a doctor's appointment this morning.  It took longer than I expected due to lab work and everyone and everything being slow, traffic included.  However, the Rheumatology doctor took plenty of time to discuss all my concerns; the lab was backed up.

As you could expect with all this rain, there were huge puddles everywhere, all the ponds and lakes that I passed were full to their tops.  There was standing water on the roads in places.  In spite of a raincoat, rain hat, and umbrella, the wind and rain made me wet!

I got there and back home safe and sound.  Golfer and I have been catching up on some of our recorded shows.  We decided not to go back out into the weather.  As far as our immediate area, we are okay.  There are small lakes near us, but I don't think we are in any danger of flood water at this time.

Southside is a different matter.  Anywhere close to the water is having problems.  There is beach erosion threatening many areas.

I got this picture from an online news report.
Deepwater Drive, Chesapeake, VA
photo by Susan Cullifer Hooper
Stay safe!

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