Sunday, December 27, 2009

Things Are Moving Along. Slowly.

Hey, all!

I hope you have all recovered from your Christmas activities. I know for some of you those activities stretch out over several days and cover many branches of your family trees. I hope you all had fun and good times.

I have been un-decorating today. The inside of the house is now done. I just got everything put back into the closet and the doors close, so all is good! I have to pace myself and I'd do some and then read, do some more, and then work at the computer, and so it went. Golfer wanted to help, but he is not feeling well and just isn't able to do very much right now. He was able to help me pry the tree parts away from each other though!

Maybe tomorrow when I get home from work, I'll tackle the outdoor decorations. It shouldn't take too long. The hardest part will be going up and down the steps to get the containers and to put the decorations away. But it will get done.

The furry kids are busy running around and checking out all the rearranged space now. They have already hidden their new mousie toys from Christmas. I have no idea where they put them!

Golfer and I have been watching some of our new DVDs that we received for Christmas. I'm not sure what's on the schedule for this evening. Hope I can stay awake!

That's about all from here. Stay safe! More later!

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