Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy Independence Day!

Yes, I am aware that I have used this picture in the past, but I love it and it deserves to be posted again!  I hope you all have a beautiful and safe day!  God Bless America!

And in other news.........

I am feeling better.  After months - actually since right after the first of the year - of having pain in my hip and leg, and then having bursectomy surgery and honestly having continued pain, all at a time when my doctors said to not take any anti-inflammatory medicine and only take Tylenol, I am now finally starting to feel more human!  (my apologies to Mrs. Toot, my high school English and writing teacher for that run on sentence)

I met with the gastroenterologist and we had a nice talk before he gave me the sleepy drugs before the colonoscopy.  The gist of it is the test was fine, he found no problems, and no bleeding areas.  He told me the iFOB tests are often false positive.  Also said I should not have been told to completely stop the NSAIDs and be in pain.  They are fine to take as long as I take a preventative along with them like Prilosec or Omeprazole.  (which I had been doing)  So I was very relieved when he said I needed no more scopings or tests, take the NSAIDs, and there was no reason I should have to live with constant pain without them.

I am sure some of you know what the prep is like for the colonoscopy.  I won't go into details there. But after months of no NSAIDs, and two days with no coffee, I have now had pills, coffee, and solid food.  Life is even greater!

Les had a recheck with our GP doc for the UTI and he has a new round of antibiotics.  And Les has a recheck on his eyes on Monday.  After weeks of not being able to do much he is slowly getting back to normal, too.

I am getting used to driving Jadzia.  I really like her and learn something new every time I am in her.

It's been really hot and humid here, and we could use some rain.  It's been in the forecasts but hasn't really hit us. 

So, as I said, life is great!  Stay safe and have a Blessed Day!  And God Bless America!

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