Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Have a Blessed Shrove Tuesday

And good luck to all of you who observe Lent by giving up certain things.  Some religions are stricter than others with that practice, and it is a personal choice.

For anyone not familiar with the term "Shrove Tuesday", this is the day before the beginning of Lent and the Easter season.  Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday.  Shrove Tuesday is also called "Fat Tuesday".  It is the day to use up and eat all the things you are giving up for Lent.  And for a lot of folks those things are sugary and fatty foods.

It is traditional to have pancakes on Shrove Tuesday to use up the sugar and fats in your kitchen.  Hence all the pancake suppers this evening.

When I was a little girl in Navarre, Ohio, I believe it was the Kiwanis Club that always sponsored a pancake and sausage supper on Shrove Tuesday.  It was held in the school's cafeteria.  Mom and I usually went.  Nice memories.

Our small town had three churches - two were Protestant and one was Catholic.  We all got along just fine.  While the Catholics gave up more things for Lent, the Protestants had our own traditions, too.  There were the Wednesday evening church services for Lent.  All the kids who were in the confirmation class at the time had to sit in the very front row of pews, right in front of the preacher.  We were expected to take notes and take a quiz at the next class.

So, remember to thank God for your blessings and stay safe.  Life is great!

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