Thursday, May 17, 2018

Well...Huh...and Foo!!

Lest I do any spoilers, I will just say Les and I agree, good movie, hated the ending.

But it was a nice afternoon anyway.

In other news, on and off rain is in the forecast for the next week.  Today is cloudy and in upper 70's and looks like it might rain at any time now.  I am sure many people will be complaining about the weather.  The big Air Show is this weekend out on base.  Also, the LPGA tournament at Kingsmill is this weekend.  And I am sure parties have been planned to celebrate college graduates since I've been seeing the reports in the paper about the graduation ceremonies.

I, however, am good.  I got out before the last rainfall and did some yard work that needed attention.  So I don't have to worry about that.  Of course, the rain and nice temperatures are making everything grow so it will all need to be done again soon.  But it is good to keep things under control.

Les played golf yesterday, but won't be playing again until Sunday.  The base course is closed due to the air show, and the fact that all the golf carts are being used for the show.  ???  I guess to haul dignitaries around?  The fact that the flight paths are right over the course wouldn't help anyone's golf swing either I am sure.

On the way home from the movie we drove by an accident right close to our neighborhood.  The speed limit on Kiln Creek Parkway is 35 mph.  Lots of cars were stopped and many folks on their phones so we kept going.  There was a young man sitting on the curb beside his smashed up car.  He was going too fast and ran into a tree.  It's too bad he was not more responsible. Not the first time there has been an accident on the Parkway by speeders.

On a better side of traffic news, on the way to the movie, a bunch of us were stopped on the road to let two families of geese walk across the road!  Lots of baby ones and some a little older going along with the parents.

Life is good!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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