Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Feeling Like Summer

Our weather is beautiful right now.  The forecasters are saying we might even set a heat record today!  I posted a picture recently of our backyard on a cloudy, sort of rainy day, so here is a sunny picture.

Our "new" tree is done blooming and is getting lovely red leaves now.  As you can see if you look closely, our gnome and red bird have come out of Winter hibernation.  Les keeps checking and at the moment we have no new mole activity.  The squirrels, bunnies, and birds have all been busy.  And although I have not seen our resident raccoon, I am pretty sure he has been out there at night, too.   All is well with our nature world.

I've been keeping busy with all the usual stuff as well as some other small chores that have needed to be done.  I got someone lined up to do the power washing on the house.  Don't have a time yet, but Steve said his guy would come soon, maybe this week.

Les is playing golf today and tomorrow he leaves with his golf group for Myrtle Beach for the annual "guys' golf trip".  I think there are about thirty of them going this year.  They  seem to always have a good time and wear themselves out.

I have a couple projects lined up for me, and a pile of books I want to read.  Or I may just go out and sit on the deck.  I have already made a large pot of vegetable soup.  One of my favorites, not one of Les'.  I used to always make it when he went TDY.  Sometimes I made pot roast.  I don't cook when he's on a trip.  😊

As always, life is good.  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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