Wednesday, August 16, 2017

IF . . . . . . . .

I have had a lot on my mind lately.  If you have kept up with any of the news coming out of Virginia recently, you can figure out what some of that has been.

However . . . . .

If I were ruler of the world, I would line up all possible methods of broadcast, get a loud microphone and tell everyone to knock it off.  Take a big breath, get over it and get on with  your lives.  If you are busy doing what you should be doing - things like working your job, taking care of  your family, teaching your children, taking care of your home, petting the cats or whatever - you wouldn't have so much idle time to turn to violence.  Let me be clear on this, I think all sides involved in the recent disasters here share the blame.  And I believe that blame goes back to whoever had the bright idea that it was okay to mess around with history.

I have heard all my life that if you don't learn from history and respect it, it will repeat itself.  We all know that parts of history are not nice or pleasant, some parts are downright nasty.  But men and women have fought and lost their lives defending their country, their fellow citizens and their right to  free speech.  I repeat, it is history we should learn from.

Just because you don't like something, you do not have the right to destroy it.  Learn about what happened and why it happened and respect each other.  Remember, God made all of us.

Stay safe, people, and God Bless America.   (we need Him)

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