Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Hey, All!

All the excitement is over now about the eclipse.   Some of the pictures that I have seen posted have been beautiful!

Les and I have been keeping up with things around here.  He is all ready to try out the new mower probably tomorrow.  That will depend on how much rain we get tonight though.

I am currently waiting on the service call for our dryer.  This was postponed and I reschedule from a couple weeks ago when the guy was running extremely late.  I hope he gets here today.

I am looking forward to some cooler temperatures this weekend.  I have a couple jobs to do outside that I have been putting off.  But if it is actually in the 70's like they are predicting, I'm ready to go.  There are some small shrubs that need trimming in front of the porch and I want to paint the mailbox.  Our white mailbox is an issue.  The ARB requires that owners stick to one kind of mailbox.  That style has only been sold at one store.  When we replaced it several years ago we were told "this is great, you will never have to paint it and it is easy to keep clean".  LIARS!  It never looks clean, doesn't matter how often I go out and scrub it.  I have painted it.  I have scoured it.  So, it is going to get cleaned and painted again.  And since we are allowed to either have white or the same color as our house trim, it is going to be gray.  Harrumph!

Pam will be getting a new roof on her house due to wind/storm damage.  Boxer and Bloomer are getting settled into the new school year and doing well.  Work is busy.  Their furry kids are doing okay.

Everyone at Jacquie's is doing okay except for her knee and she sees the doctor soon.  Jordan is busy with the new semester and new classes.  Cutie Girl and Little Miss E are busy, busy!

I have been cleaning out a few things and organizing others.  Reading some good books; working my way through the Craig Johnson Longmire books.  Wonderful books, and even more enjoyable since we drove through the area close to where Absaroka County, Wyoming, would be in the books on our road trip!  I still have a little more work to do on some desk things.  Christmas shopping is progressing.  Yes, I know it is early, but since we will be going to Ohio and to Georgia in the next few months, I want to have things ready so I don't have to ship things.  :)

Soon school will be back in session, the "Y" will be closed a couple days for the usual deep cleaning after all the camp kids and then we can get back to our regular schedules and routines.

I know that advertising and marketing people have to stay on top of things and want to get as many sales as possible, but I have to comment.  Halloween things have been out around here in the stores for over a  month now.  When I went to the Commissary on the weekend, the first thing I saw when I went in was a massive arrangement of Halloween candy.  Really??  If you buy Halloween candy in the middle of August will you still have it around on Halloween?????  And while doing a couple errands yesterday, I saw some Christmas things being set out in one store.  GEEZ!

Stay safe and God Bless America!

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