Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The World of Star Trek and Beyond

Those who know us, know we are big fans of Star Trek and science fiction.

In light of my recent laser surgery on my eye and how well I think it went, it has occurred to me that we are headed toward the better world shown in Star Trek.  You know, wave a light at something and fix it!

It is very true that there is no evidence of this friendlier, calmer society in the news right now with all the reports of violence and unrest around the world, terrorist attacks, mean people, and don't forget the political mess.  But if my eye can be fixed with the little laser beam, I believe there is hope.

But there should also be some caution with advancing technology.  Several shows and movies have had the ever present computers taking over.  Yes, I know, they are only TV shows and movies.  But you would be surprised, if you really think about it, how many things in shows and movies actually happen. They have shown constant monitoring, and surveillance, and all areas of our lives linked together, all in the name of safety.  Well, great!  I like safety, but I am a big fan of privacy, too.  And I believe everyone should take personal responsibility for their lives.  Work hard, support yourself, be responsible, be kind.

I am sure that the technology is a good thing, but I don't like a computer taking over and deciding what I want to look at or where I want to go.  The cable company is advertising a new feature on their equipment that will tell you what shows are right for you.  Please, let me choose.

Google auto-corrects our writing and if you are not careful you end up saying things you don't mean and don't want to say.  I have a couple friends who don't review and edit their posts and sometimes it makes me nuts.  Most of the time it makes me laugh, but still I know that probably wasn't what they meant to say or share.  I try to always review and edit before I hit the button.

Cars are made that will take over and correct the steering if you stray out of line.  Others supposedly will drive themselves.  Be careful with that!

We have come a long way, and there is a lot farther to go.  Be thankful, be caring, and stay safe!

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