Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Right Out of a Stephen King Novel

Many years ago I read The Stand by Stephen King.  I have since re-read it a couple times.  When we first moved here from Colorado and wide open spaces and I got a look at the tunnels around here, that book came to mind.  I honestly admit that I used to hold my breath when we went through the tunnels!  I am better about that now but have some other traffic anxieties, but that doesn't need to be talked about right now.  :)

Anyway, in The Stand  after a major horrific event, people had to walk through a long tunnel full of stopped cars, which brings me to talk about some local news.  Over the weekend there was a fiery wreck in the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel.  Injuries, flames, smoke, some damage to the tunnel.  The EMTs had to get people to get out of their cars and leave them in the tunnel and walk out.  There was smoke inhalation, exhaustion, and problems caused by the high heat.  Folks were treated on site and taken to hospitals if needed.  The person that caused the accident will be charged.

Wiring and lighting repairs, tile repairs and asphalt repairs are on the schedule.  These repairs will make traffic worse while the tunnel is closed for them.  There has already been an inspection and they are assuring the public there are no leaks.  I always watch for water drips when we have to go through the tunnel, even when I'm not holding my breath.

So.  Geez.  Stay safe!

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