Friday, July 8, 2016

Hello, No, I Did Not Fall Off the Earth

I've thought about posting, but just couldn't get my mind to wrap around the idea.  But things are looking up!  So here is what has been going on.....

Our weather has been hot and muggy, really awful high humidity some days.  And we've had some thunderstorms.  The 4th was a gray and wet day around here.

I am doing well.  I had my annual eye exam and was told the fuzziness in my right eye is scar tissue from the cataract surgery a couple years ago.  I am scheduled for a laser surgery procedure in August  to clean that scar issue out.  I trust my doctor but the thought of lasers poking around in my eye gives me the heeby jeebies.  He will then re-test my vision and we'll go from there with whatever is needed.

Golfer had the CT scan ordered by our doctor and was first told that he had had a stroke some time within the last year.  That news was followed by a visit to his neurologist who compared the new scan with the one from a little over a year ago.  He is not 100% sure that there was a stroke.  So that is good news.  In the discussion about unsteadiness, the doctor said it was easy to deplete the electrolytes and sodium in your body when it is hot and humid and you are sweating a lot, like when playing golf.  So Golfer now has packets of Gatorade to put in his water bottle while out on the course.  Keep that in mind if you are working outside or playing sports of some kind in the hot weather.

Our handyman, Steve, is not back from vacation yet.  We have a list for him when he returns.  :)

The yard work is taken care of all except for the hole from the tree.  We still need to work on that.  But honestly, we've had other things on our minds.  And we can't even see that it is a hole out there when we look out the window.  Hydrangeas are blooming, day lilies are blooming, still a few azaleas in bloom, too.  Weeding is up to date.  I've been keeping an eye on a robin in our back yard.  It has been building a nest recently in our holly tree.  I feel sorry for it, but don't think I can help.  It works and works and carries bits and pieces of "stuff" up into the tree.  As I said earlier, we've had a few thunderstorms recently.  I don't know if that is the cause of the problem or if the bird just needs some building instruction, but this is what I found when I was out this morning.

Bikini says they are doing well in Georgia.  Boxer and Bloomer had a week of Minecraft camp and enjoyed that.  This was an off week.  I'm not sure what is scheduled for next week, perhaps another water camp.  But their Summer is winding down, just time-wise, not heat-wise!  School starts for them on August 1st.

Nurse J and family went to Illinois to visit IT Guy's parents.   It was thought that it would be a good time to go since Nurse J is still on maternity leave.  I know Dale and Bernie loved seeing them all.  They got back home Wednesday.  Cutie Girl was happy to be home and get to her toys.  BeyB was happy to get home and use her computer.  Little Miss E was just happy to get home.  Nurse J says this picture sums up the trip's car ride.  She also says they won't be doing any trips again for a while.  :)

The news of the world is not any better.  Today's news from Texas is very sad.  Try to think happy thoughts and stay safe.

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