Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Excuse Me? Can You Repeat That?

So.  I have added yet another thing to the joys of getting older.  I am not complaining, just informing.  You have to consider the alternative to getting older if you are a complainer.  My friends and I often say that getting older is not for sissies and whiners.

On Monday I went to an ENT doctor for a complete hearing evaluation.  I had been thinking about it for a while.  My Mom and Sister both had hearing aids.  And I have been having some varying levels of "noise" in my ears. Almost every evening I have to ask Golfer to turn the sound up when we are watching TV.  Although I do think that part of the problem hearing TV shows is the way-too-loud background noise and music on a lot of them.  

I saw a very nice doctor.  We talked a little about aging and what to expect. Most of what he said I already knew.  He checked my ears and said a lot of people have issues with ear wax build-up and there is no way to successfully remove it by ourselves.  I already knew I had a history of this problem.  This buildup can be one of the causes of tinnitus. So he took care of that, the tinnitus immediately lessened.  Did not go away completely, but is much less annoying now.  Then he passed me on to the audiologist who did the testing.

I do have some hearing loss, but not to the point of talking about hearing aids yet.  The loss is pretty much equal on both sides.  The test results will be my baseline and I will go every year for testing in the future.  The doctor also said too many people get out of the habit of facing people and talking to them.  Keep that in mind, please.

Last week I saw my orthopedic doctor for my annual check-up.  He said all is well, looks good, come back in two years ------- unless something else happens.  Dr. A is a nice young man and has done all my surgeries. When we have had to discuss my options in the past I have asked him what he would recommend if I was his mother.  He always laughs and is always willing to take the time to talk to me.

August will bring the laser eye surgery to remove scar tissue from the cataract surgery.  Then my vision will be tested again.  And then later in the month I see our dentist for my regular six month visit.  

While I am going to appointments and trying to keep up with everything, Golfer will be busy most of the month with jury duty.  He just can't wait. (that is a joke, folks)  I am hoping they won't need him all month every day.

We are having yet another heat advisory day, so I will not be working in the yard.  The clean-up out there can wait.

Stay safe!

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