Monday, June 6, 2016

Back From Vacation!

We are safely home, tired and happy.  It was a nice week, even if it did rain off and on almost every day.  Bikini and I got some beach time, and the kids and Brief played in the water whether it was cloudy or not.  But the one day it was really sunny and hot it was almost too hot and humid to be out there!

We are in catching up mode now.  I just returned from getting groceries and putting everything away.  Golfer is sorting through the pile of mail that was just delivered.  I had a to-do list of everything I need to get done this week.  My Federal jury duty officially starts on Friday and I have no idea what the next couple weeks will bring.  However...... that tentative list sort of fizzled out when I saw this first thing this morning:

My planned "tidy up the yard" chore has gotten much bigger!  The lovely tree came down in last evening's storm. The tree guy has already been here this morning to look at it.  He will be back, probably tomorrow, to take care of it.  He is also going to trim some dead bits from a tree I've been worrying about.  It does finally have leaves now and is okay, except for a few branches. When the tree work is done Golfer will call our Handyman guy, Steve, to come and fix the damage to the shed.  Can't tell about the fence yet because there is too much tree in the way.

So I will think calming thoughts about the beach.  I love watching the ocean and listening to the waves.  Here is a picture of sunrise:

I like looking at the marsh, too.  Here is a picture of the evening high tide in the marsh.  We discovered that the roads leading to the beach through the marsh often flood at these times!

Got to get busy here.  Stay safe!

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