Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Some Belated May Day Thoughts

I was watching the Today Show yesterday morning when I saw the report of May Day riots in several cities.  I never did hear them say what the riots were actual about or what was being protested.  My first thought about this was "WTH!"

May Day is supposed to be a celebration of Spring and regrowth.  In grade school, on May Day, we would get extra time outside.  We'd hear a story, sing some songs, and do what could only be called rustic folk dancing.  I remember it involved long ribbons and flowers.

Traditionally, people would gather around a tall pole that was adorned with bright long ribbons.  Then the dancers would each grab the end of a ribbon and the dance would begin.  As the dancers moved around the pole, the pole would be wrapped artfully in the ribbons, almost like a huge braid  or a weaving around the pole.

On the first May Day when we lived in Germany, Frau Bargholz taught me their custom of making a small basket that would be filled with flowers - either from the garden or wild flowers.  The custom was for the children to hang these on friends' doors and surprise them.  Nurse J and Bikini seemed to enjoy this, although I don't know if they remember.  Bikini was born in Germany so she was very young and was more a "watcher" when we did these projects.  But every May Day while we lived there we made little baskets.  Sometimes just made out of paper, or if we were really into it we tried weaving.  Usually ours were paper.  :)

So May Day brings nice memories and happy thoughts of Spring, sunshine, birds singing, flowers, and happy music.  NOT protests and riots.

What is the world coming to?  As my Granma would have said, "it's going to heck in a hand basket".

Stay safe, people!

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