Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Milestone!

Last weekend BeyB finished driving class and got her license!  Congratulations to her!  Our first grand-child is now a driver.

We have been keeping up with things around here.  Our weather warmed up and was very nice and warm for a couple days.  Only a couple.  Today is cool again, gray and wet.  Golfer got the yard work done yesterday before the rain started again.  The A/C had been turned on and is now off again.  I may have to put on a sweatshirt.

Several of our favorite shows are having their season finales or show finales.  For the most part, the shows have been very good.  But I have to mention one that I thought was the absolute worst finale ever -  "The Good Wife"!  Since the show aired I have read the article by the writers explaining what they were aiming for.  That's fine and dandy.  I would have to say they did what they aimed for.  But judging by the comments, Tweets, and posts I've seen, there are a whole lot of other people just as upset as I was by the ending.  BOOOOOO!

Stay safe!

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HiToplay said...
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