Monday, August 10, 2015

Just Hello!

I hope all is well with everyone!

We never did get a good soaker rain like they predicted for the last couple days.  Other areas around us had wind damage and flooding, but we just had some "spritzes".  Even though we have the sprinkler system, the lack of rain and the extreme heat and humidity we've had lately have taken a toll on the yard.

I got out and cut back all of our day lilies.  They had gotten to a point where they were more yellow and brown and dry than they were green.  Just plain looked sad.  So they are all trimmed back and things cleaned up.  Also pulled some weeds and did a little other clean-up out there.  There's nothing to be done about the few brown spots in the grass right now.  When the landscaper gets the new mulch down next month along with the other work things will look better.

Repairs are all caught up, and things are "under control" here.  We are getting ready to go to Ohio to visit family and attend Golfer's 50th High School reunion.  I'll get to see a couple of my classmates, too, since a few girls in my class married guys in Golfer's class.  The trip will also include going to a Cleveland Indian's game with Golfer's brother and his wife.

The family is doing well.  Boxer is adjusting to middle school and using lockers and changing classes and Bloomer is doing well, too.  Boxer is going to be playing Fall baseball and practice starts this week.  Bloomer's art classes have started again.

BeyB is getting ready for her school.  Has to get her uniforms for nursing school yet, once they find out what color she is supposed to have.  I think they've taken care of the medical tests and such that were required.  As for the rest of her classes, I think she won't find out more until right before school starts the day after Labor Day.   And Cutie Girl is just that - cute!  And busy!

I've told our girls to get their wish lists for everyone up to date so I can start Christmas shopping soon.  Have to use that gift card Golfer won!  He is enjoying his two new clubs that he got.  :)

So all is well here.   Just wanted to say Hi!   Stay safe!

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