Saturday, June 27, 2015


If anyone has heard a big collective sigh coming from our area it's because the temperature has cooled off.  We've had several storms and more rain.  Yesterday, for most of the day, the temperature was in the high 70's and low 80's.  Still very humid, but cooler.

We're doing okay here.  There are some more bits and pieces down in the yard from the last storm but clean-up will wait until it is drier out there.

It was raining earlier this morning and Golfer did not go to the course to play.  We went to breakfast instead.  Yum!  We recommend "The Lunch Bell" in City Center.

I've been going through some closets and drawers and cleaning some things out.  The whole ant episode set the clean-out mode into action.  I'll be calling DAV for a pick-up date on Monday.

I think I mentioned that we had to get new phones  for the house.  They've been working very well.  We like the feature that blocks all unidentified callers.  We have been getting a lot of robo calls and political and sales calls, so it's nice to quiet those.  All was going well until Golfer noticed that the living room phone was no longer charging.  Well!  @$#!%&*^!!!  One of our dear furry kids had chewed the wires.  No one has fessed up.  Golfer repaired the wire and everything is working again.  And while we were out for breakfast we stopped and bought some crinkly wire wrapping and put on it.

The laundry is calling for me, so I'd better go for now.    Stay safe!

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