Monday, November 24, 2014


I have lots of thoughts bouncing around in my head as I'm getting ready for surgery in a week.  I've had lists of things I've wanted to be sure to do before I'm not able to do them for a while.  Those lists are almost completely checked off now.

As you know, we decided to do some of our Christmas decorating before Thanksgiving.  About all that's left is for the tree to be set up that goes in the dining room in front of the large window.  We'll get that finished up on Friday.  And Golfer will set out our outside decorations.  I did get the garland and lights up on the porch rails and hung the wreathes.

About our tree in the living room.... most of the ornaments on it have sentimental value.  There are ornaments that were passed down to us from my Grama and Mom.  Other were gifts from family and friends.  A lot are ornaments of special things we like - like all our Star Trek ones!  Some we have collected as we have traveled.  To be honest, we have a lot of ornaments.  Even after giving each of our girls boxes.  We don't really need more ornaments.  There are many still in the box that aren't being used this year.  I pick and choose every year, although there are many that go on the tree every year.  And yet, in spite of all that, this morning I bought another one.  :)

The new Starbucks ornament is right there with the really old glass decorations, the Air Force ornaments and Star Trek!  I had seen a picture of this ornament last year but they were sold out by the time I got to our Starbucks.  So this morning when I went to get my coffee I got one!  It makes me smile.

While I'm talking about decorations, let me mention that we always use the wooden ones that Golfer's Dad made for us many years ago.  They are some of my favorites.

I took stock of the pantry and made sure we have everything for Thanksgiving dinner.  The turkey has been moved into the refrigerator  and is hopefully thawing.

Golfer moved our thirty (30!!) bags of leaves out to the curb for pick up.  There are still more leaves on the trees to come down.

Our weather is just crazy.  It has been cold.  Today they say it will break heat records and be in the 80's.  By Wednesday evening we may see some snow.  I'm predicting a weather headache.  Our MDX, Kirk, has automatic wipers that sense the moisture level and come on when needed.  When I went out this morning and started him up to go to Starbucks all the wipers came on because it was so humid!  And that was while we were still sitting in the garage!  WTH!!

I hope you are all well and happy.  Stay safe!

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