Sunday, October 12, 2014

Just An Update

The recovery from cataract surgery is going well.  It seems like I can see a little better every day.  I've been following the eye drops schedule, using the eye shield at night, and wearing the goggle glasses when I'm outside.  I am anxious to get the right eye done.

The lady at the Optical shop was very helpful and I found out I needed #1.50 on the reading glasses. So I got a new pair of that strength.  They are much better.  Sadly, they had no "fancy" frames and I went for function at this time.  But I am still looking!  Also got some good sunglasses for when I can stop wearing the goggle glasses.

I have been discovering things that need cleaning.  Those who know me well, know that I clean often.  Better eyesight means seeing things I've missed.  That's not a bad thing.

So. Life is good.  Golfer did not get to play golf yesterday due to rain, but he played today.  I did a few errands and got groceries.

It feels like Fall here, but we have no leaf color yet.

Stay safe!

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