Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ahhhh, Fall

It was 50 outside this morning the first I checked the thermometer.  The sun is out and there is a breeze.  The forecast for tonight is "in the 30's".  There is just starting to be a hint of color on the trees in the area.  And Golfer wore long pants when he left to play golf today.  He always hates that change-over from shorts to long pants.

I mentioned in my last post that I have found some extra things to clean.  While working on that yesterday I decided to wash our quilts that we use when we're watching TV or we're just plain cold.  They've just sort of hung on the rack all Summer.  So now they are fresh and clean!  And while I was doing that I also washed the afghan that the furry kids often pull down and curl up in when they are cold.   When I got home from getting a few groceries I found this:

Cecil evidently decided he was cold and was going to be first to use the clean afghan!

Stay safe!

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