on my way to get a sweatshirt to put on! But the sun is out, the birds are singing, and the squirrels are
running around and digging holes in our new mulch.
The guys from the garden center spread the mulch earlier in the week. Looks good!
Golfer spent a day working out in the yard mowing, trimming, edging, etc. Then he tackled digging out some tree roots that were a hazard in the back yard. The holes are now all filled in with topsoil and seed.
I spent my energy and strength yesterday working outside on some cleaning projects. I like to use the exterior Windex that hooks up to the hose. I cleaned all the screens. In the process that also took some of the grime off the windows, but I plan to tackle some more serious window cleaning from the inside since our new windows fold in. Anyway, I cleaned all the window framing and got it white again. Then cleaned the deck and patio furniture. And then spruced up the siding on the porch and at the deck. It felt good to get that all done.
Today was the community yard sale and Nurse J and I went looking. We found a few good bargains. BeyB is sick again with strep. We're glad next week is school break for her. Nurse J said she is considering tenting their house and bombing it with Lysol after so many of them have been sick. If only it were that easy to get rid of the germs!
Golfer is still working out some issues with the new computer. But it is better. And BTW - in the process of all the computer stuff, I discovered that I can print things from my phone!! Who knew?!?

We've had a guest this week - Bloomer's friend, Flat Stanley! He has helped in the yard, and also helped the furry kids find their toys under the stove. He'll be heading home to Bloomer on Monday.
This is going to be a busy week coming up. I have three doctors' appointment, an appointment regarding a drainage issue with our side yard, and a concert to attend. (Frankie Valli was postponed from February.)
I hope all is well with you all. Stay safe!
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