Friday, April 11, 2014

News of the Unsettling Weird

Golfer and I still subscribe to a daily newspaper.  I like reading it in the mornings with my coffee.  I will admit there are a lot of articles I skip over.  With so much bad news in the world, sometimes I just don't want to read about it all, especially first thing in the morning.  Without a doubt, the funnies are usually my favorite part of the paper.

But lately, there's just been some articles more weird than others.  Here are some examples:

The interstate was closed and traffic was stopped the other evening.  Now, this is a common occurrence in our area.  Traffic is always being stopped or slowed down for something. You know, things like someone texting or talking and running into a tree, or worse, into another vehicle; huge potholes trying to swallow someone's car;  an idiot shooting at someone on the road;  someone freaking out in a tunnel and hitting the wall.  Anyway, we're used to hearing about roads closing and traffic being stopped.  All they reported this time was that the police and authorities had a vehicle stopped for an incident.  The incident turned out to be it was a woman driving a mobile meth lab around in her van!  Really!!??  There aren't enough distractions out there on the road????  You have to drive your meth lab around and endanger even more people??

A "state of emergency" has been declared in part of our city.  Five people have been murdered in less than a week in one area.  Citizens are demanding that things be fixed.  Well.  Yes.  And you know what the biggest fix would be?  Tell people they need to not use drugs, they should stay in school, get an education, get a job, support themselves, take care of their families, and behave.  If they were busy doing what they should be doing, they wouldn't be out there killing other people.  Be a productive member of society.  Don't be a waste of skin.

In Pakistan a baby has been arrested and booked for mob violence.  There was a picture of this baby boy being held while getting finger printed.  Seems his father and grandfather had participated in a protest against rising gas prices.  The whole group of protesters was arrested.   Given the state of things in Pakistan, there is much concern over the baby's welfare.  The family member that has taken the baby into hiding says it is ridiculous.  The baby boy can't even hold his own bottle of milk yet.  He has been charged with throwing rocks at the police.  Absurd!!  And  might I add, STUPID act by the police.  Ever hear of common sense?  Of course I say the same about that father and grandfather.  What makes sense about taking an infant to a protest??

Stay safe!  (some days that isn't an easy task)

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