Wednesday, April 9, 2014

ACH!! OY!! ANTS!!!

It's official - Spring is here.  Technically, Spring arrived officially a few weeks ago.  But it is now here for sure at our house.  The ant invasion has arrived.  Every Spring, in one corner of our kitchen, we get ants.  Little, teeny, tiny ants.  Ants you have to really be looking for on our dark tile floor in order to see them.  Always in the same corner.  I only saw these because they had settled on the furry kids' dry food dish.

So, I've sprayed, cleaned, and sprayed again.  I sprayed around the foundation outside.  Everything has been caulked, inspected, and looked at.  The ants still come.

We need to be careful about insecticides because of our furry kids.  I am calling in reinforcements and will have the exterminator come and take a stab at the problem.  I had hoped after I discovered them yesterday morning and sprayed them down and killed a couple hundred that they would have sent telepathic messages to their friends and family saying  "Stay away!  Good-bye!"  But no such luck.  I will say though that the ones I cleaned up today so far have already been dead or were dying.  Still.  ICK!

Stay safe!  And have a happy Spring!

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