Thursday, April 24, 2014

Modern Technology. Fhoo!

I totally have a grasp on reality and know that modern technology can be a wonderful thing.  Period.

However........ here at our house we are having a running battle with our technology.  At times I fear it is winning.  But we shall persist and keep battling and we will prevail!

We had to replace the CPU a few weeks ago.  We kept the same monitor and printer.  Unfortunately, if you buy a new computer now, it is going to come with Windows 8.  Mr. Gates needs to go yell at a few of his people on that one!  I have learned to use Windows 8 on the Surface 2 Tablet that Golfer got me for Christmas, but it was a real struggle at first.  Golfer didn't like the looks of it and said he didn't want it on our new computer.  Well, so much for that idea.  He's been grumbling and fussing with the thing for weeks now and it's not working the way we think it should.  Every day it's a new issue. 

The printer was a wireless connection deal.  Great.  Sounded wonderful.  We could print from our phones and from our tablets.  When we tried to print something while we were sitting in front of the computer just inches away from the printer we got zilch.  Well, actually we got many error messages.  But nothing printed.

The battle continues.  Golfer finally hooked up the cables to it and we can print, but it's really slow sometimes.  You know, like it's thinking about some new way to screw around with us.

Now Rico, the truck, is using his technology to send us messages and warning lights.  He's going in for service tomorrow.

You all know I love science fiction and I enjoy Star Trek, Star Wars, and TV shows like Almost Human and Intelligence.   J.D. Robb's "In Death" series of books takes place in the future with flying cars.  I've read every book!  It's exciting to think about how things will be in the future.  But gosh darn if that technology isn't annoying sometimes now.

Stay safe!

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