Saturday, April 12, 2014

Medical Updates and Other Goings-On . . . .

Most of you know that I have a list of doctors that I see regularly.  A lot of my appointments are the kind where I go every six months.  This has been a week for check-ups.  And add in a few other things that needed attention and it's made for a full week.

Monday I saw my rheumatologist.  He says I am doing well, all things considered.  No need to re-start the medication that prevented alcohol consumption.  Yay, wine!  Come back and see him in six months or sooner if I have a flare or need anything.

Tuesday was my orthopedic doctor check-up.  X-rays were taken of my left knee, right foot, lower back and hips.  If you are in our area and see a glow, don't worry, it's just me!  I had some concerns since I have fallen twice since the last surgery.  We had a nice discussion.  He offered an additional test that involves injecting dye into my spine and doing a "study".  I said I'd prefer to put that off for now and he smiled and agreed with me.  He mentioned if certain things got worse, there was the option of more surgery.  I very nicely told him that more surgery would happen when I was brought in, put on the table and couldn't get off of it myself.  Again, he agreed with me.  (I told you he was a nice doctor!).   He said the X-rays all looked good, everything was well.  And also said that I should remember that I am currently very early in the recovery process from the surgery.  It seems like it's been a long time, but in the grand scheme of things, it's only been a moment.  Be patient.  I am doing the right things.  Come back and see him in six months.  Sooner if I need anything.  Or if I do something else to myself!  We laughed at that comment.

Wednesday I saw one of my new doctors, a dermatologist.  Golfer has been going to him for years, so he doesn't really seem new.  But new for me.  He had biopsied a spot on my shoulder a couple weeks ago.  It was okay.  This visit was for a full scan.  Found four spots to treat, or freeze.  A couple others I am supposed to "keep an eye on".  The only downside to this visit is not getting in the pool again until the spots heal.

Also on our calendar for the week were a Frankie Valli concert, a trip to Virginia Beach to have a new radio installed in Golfer's truck, a meeting with our financial advisor, a meeting to address drainage issues in our side yard, and a visit by the exterminator to deal with previously mentioned ants. 

Who says retired people just sit around??

Stay safe!

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