Tuesday, July 30, 2024
How I Spent Last Saturday Morning
Monday, July 29, 2024
Morning Sky
I took this picture a couple days ago. We had had rain for several days and it was dry when we got up that morning. I went to Starbucks and got us coffee and muffins. I thought the sky was pretty, so while stopped at the red light I took the picture.
We're okayish and I am trying to keep up with things. We had an even bigger limb fall down from one of our other trees. That required cleanup as soon as it was dry enough to be out there working. Jacquie and Jordan came a couple days later and hauled the big pieces and bags of "stuff" to the dump.
I spent another morning trimming the shrubs in front of the porch. Also did a little other pruning and tidying up. Looks better now. I will post a picture later in another post.
I go for lab work tomorrow morning. Since I have to fast for it, I will stop at Starbucks on the way home. Les goes for his lab work Thursday morning. We both see our doctor next week for annual visits.
Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Life is still good. God Bless America!
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
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Things are calmer here today. It's still hot and humid, but we've had some rain. It's been in the forecasts quite often but has been missing us most of the time. The last several days we've gotten a couple inches. The plants and shrubs are looking a bit "happier". The sprinkler system has been running as scheduled, but it can only do so much, it's just not the same as rain.
Angus and Finnigan are both doing better. Finnigan is having no problems with me putting his medicine in his food in the mornings. Angus has been on daily steroids and has been doing better and eating well. Their doctor called me yesterday and Angus is now going to be given the steroids every other day and I'll let her know how that does for him.
I've been trying to keep up with things and doing some little "odds and ends" jobs. You know, the kind of little things that don't take long, but keep getting put off. The bigger jobs on my list are waiting until it's cooler and until some other things are moved.
I had not planned to do yard work today. Remember we had a tree taken down a couple weeks ago? A couple days after that I had noticed a bare branch from that tree hanging on one of our other trees. Just stuck there. It came down last night. It was much bigger than I had thought. It landed on the Hydrangeas and bird feeder. And all sorts of little bits of it had broken off. After breakfast, I decided to get out there and pick stuff up before it got hotter and before the predicted rain gets here this afternoon. I now have two large bags of stuff and a large limb I couldn't break up. (I had cut off all the smaller parts of the limb and bagged them) While I was out, I pulled a couple weeds and did a bit of pruning, too.
I am now inside, showered and shampooed. The heat index is up to 99 and rising. I have no other outside plans for the day!
Tomorrow Les has the other part of his MRIs. There was a mix-up with the paperwork and he had one MRI last Saturday. The other is tomorrow. It's probably a good thing that happened, since for the two of the MRIs to be done would have been a pretty long time for him to be in the machine........even if it is an open one.
Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Life is still good. And God Bless America!
Monday, July 15, 2024
It's been a while since I've posted. Lots going on and I've been exhausted. Here is the run down.
On July 3rd our air conditioner stopped working. The day before a holiday and when the temperatures are near 100 is not a good time for that. I called right away and the service call was scheduled for the 5th. He got here late in the day, and he got it fixed. We have an annual contract and the man who came was the one who had just done the check-up a couple months ago, so he knew our system. It was terribly hot and uncomfortable, but cooled off enough at night so we did get some rest. We had all the ceiling fans on and the windows open. I adjusted window treatments according to where the sun was shining in. We survived and the system is working fine.
In my previous post I mentioned Finnigan going in for testing. He has been diagnosed with kidney disease. He has daily medicine I mix into his food in the mornings. We have to monitor their meal because Angus is not supposed to have any of the medicine. While we are adjusting to this, Angus became ill and I had to take him in for tests and to receive fluids. That was three days in a row. He was given a couple injections of antibiotic and steroid and is doing better than he was. The tests showed inflammation, but so far no idea of the cause or exactly what.
I had also mentioned that the sprinkler system tech was coming; he did. And when he checked the system, that sprinkler head that had been hidden worked just fine. He told me I did a good job finding it and loosening it!
Les saw his Neurologist and she has ordered another MRI. That is in the process of getting scheduled.
I have had a very itchy rash. It reminds me of one that I had years ago when Les was being sent to Thailand for a year. My doctor said that was from stress. I figure this time it is either stress or from the extreme heat. 😊 It is slowly getting better.
Our weather is still extremely hot. The forecast for the week calls for heat indexes of up to 111 degrees. It has rained some but seems to miss our area quite often. We have gotten some, but could use more. Needless to say, I am not going out to do any yard work when it is this hot.
While the A/C was out and the windows open, and before they started feeling bad, Angus and Finnigan enjoyed having open windows where they could sit and watch the birds and squirrels.
Thursday, July 4, 2024
God Bless America!
Have a safe and happy Fourth of July! And remember to thank those who have served and are serving to keep our country safe.
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Another Busy Day Here
I hope everyone is safe and doing well.
Finnigan, one of our furry boys, had to be checked in at the clinic for some testing this morning between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. So I was out and about early. Got him there and checked in. He is not happy. I just checked and they are not ready for him to come home yet.
I stopped and got some coffee and got muffins for Les and me on the way home. I was just getting ready to eat when our tree guy came to remove the dead tree in our yard. So that done. The guys did pretty well with the cleaning up and I only had a little bit of "stuff" to pick up. I also had to put the bird feeder back in place and also a wind mill that sits in the middle of the back yard. It came from an Amish store in Ohio and is supposed to deter moles. We're not sure it does, but it's nice to look at. I swept and used the blower in the front and back and all is tidy now.
After lunch Les and I went out to hunt for one of our sprinkler heads that hasn't been popping up. We tried to do that last evening but gave up. It's one close to where the tree work was going to be done and we wanted to flag it. This afternoon I finally found it after raking a bunch of mulch around where we thought it should be. I have since moved mulch back and called our sprinkler company for someone to come and fix it.
Other than all this, since my last post, I have gotten a bit more yard work done and just have to clean up and prune in the mulched area across our back yard and in the corner. Then hopefully, I can keep up with it all.
We did finally get some rain and things are looking a bit greener and happier. But we could still use some more rain.